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In the Asmara NTB Discussion, Kurtubi, a NTB figure, is worthy to enter the Cabinet

Ketua AMSI NTB, TGH.Fauzan Zakaria Amin

In the Asmara NTB Discussion, Kurtubi, a NTB figure, is worthy to enter the Cabinet

MATARAM, - Ahead of the inauguration of the elected President and Vice-President, Ir H Joko Widodo and KH Ma'ruf Amin, the issue of who the candidates for ministers walked in was increasingly heard. including in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) itself there are seven figures deemed worthy of being looked at by Jokowi-Amin.

The seven figures from NTB are Mr. Bajang (TGB), Fahri Hamzah, Dr. Hamdan Zoelva, Din Syamsudin, Dr. H Zulkieflimansyah, Dr. H Kurtubi and Dr. Anwar Usman. these seven figures also appeared in the NTB Discussion of Community Aspirations (Asmara) with the theme "Ahead of Jokowi-Ma'ruf's Inauguration, Who Are the Leaders of NTB Entering the Cabinet" which was held at the Madani Hotel, Mataram, Saturday (19/10).

chairman of the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Association (AKSI) of the NTB region, TGH Fauzan Zakaria considered that these seven names, all figures from NTB, deserve to be Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin's chosen minister. Both in terms of professionalism, role and contribution. Especially for TGB, according to him, has the biggest opportunity. because the former Governor of NTB for two periods had a complete package. Both in terms of experience, from coalition political parties to professionalism.

"Moreover, TGB is also listed as the Jokowi-Ma'ruf National Campaign Team. Right?" he said.

so that the position of Minister of Religion or relating to education no longer has to be doubted given to him.

Other names said Fauzan, there were Fahri Hamzah, Hamdan Zoelva, Din Syamsudin, Zulkieflimansyah, Kutubi and Anwar Usman also had the potential to be appointed to assist in the Jokowi-Ma'ruf government. These six NTB figures also have the power and ability to be installed some time to come. Fauzan explained, the presence of figures from Eastern Indonesia especially NTB in the composition of the new cabinet was very important.

"It is fitting for figures from NTB to get a chance. This is done to accelerate the process of equitable development," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Dr. Kadri M.Si as Political Observer of NTB stated, Jokowi is certainly currently with Kyai Ma'ruf and the team already holding the names of the candidates for the ministers. But of course the names of the candidates must be liked by Jokowi.

"There are two entrancesthere are political parties and professionals. Well, the seven people above are indeed quite capital, "said Kadri.

Another guest speaker, Dr. HM Ahyar Fadli revealed, the Jokowi-Ma'ruf ministerial candidates should also have an attitude. one example from among politicians, are they istiqomah in the party?

"Don't jump up and down the party and hold the minister's seat. Ngaco," he snapped.

While Rusdiansyah, CEO from NTB, gave a referendum proposal. because some time ago, Jokowi had blurted out the sentence that there would be a ministerial candidate from Papua.

"When it is noisy, it gets the minister. Do we need to make a noise first before we get the minister?" he muttered.

in addition, if in the selection of ministerial candidates then involving the KPK, he feels there are several candidates who will immediately bounce off. call it the TGB, but the matter was immediately denied by Fauzan that it was a matter of law outside of legal institutions is unethical if the opinion building issue was already resolved specifically.

one more guest speaker in the discussion, UNU Rector of NTB, Baiq Mulianah considered, all figures deserve to be candidates for ministers. But what needs to be seen is its compliance.

"But I think these seven figures are indeed people who are not in doubt," in short. (Gl 02)

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